We’ve seen another jump in whitening technology this past year. Tooth whitening gels for custom trays are now in concentrations of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 35%. Although higher concentrations can sometimes increase tooth sensitivity short term, manufacturers have now added fluoride to help reduce any discomfort. The important thing for patients to know is higher concentration strengths does not mean better tooth whitening outcomes.
If you need quick results for a party or function, meaning you need your smile to “shine” in a hurry, the higher concentrations are the way to go. You may even want to consider in-office whitening which shows immediate results. With this modality of tooth whitening, you will get the best results in the shortest amount of time. However, your overall whitening will tend to fade sooner than if you maintain the whitening with lower concentrations.
Recent research has shown if you use 10% to 15% solutions, and wear them in your trays overnight, your teeth will maintain their brilliance for 3 to 4 months longer. Does this mean the higher concentrations are of no value? Of course not.
Lets say you want to achieve three to four complete shades brighter in value immediately. In-office whitening would be the better decision as it will obtain the best result in most patients. Or, you dislike wearing the tray overnight. Then you could purchase the higher concentrations and wear the trays for one hour or less with great results. Technology has brought forth choice in the way patients choose to brighten their smiles.
One important thing to know is “laser” whitening dehydrates the teeth. The increase in value will quickly return to your natural color, and that is why we do not use that technology in our office. We use a product from Ultradent called “Boost” for our in-office procedures, and the results are much better than tooth dehydration with a laser type system. Not to mention healthier.
At your next appointment, ask our dental team which whitening treatment best fits your schedule and needs. Nothing says more about you than your smile.